There are two common, opposite errors many make in the midst of the conversation around abuse. The first error being the dismissal of the seriousness of abuse by addressing it like any other sin and the other is considering all relational sin abusive. On Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 5PM, Dr. Jeremy Pierre, will seek to address these errors as he gives the lecture, “When Home Hurts: Trying to Be Biblically Grounded in the Abuse Conversation” at CCWC’s Sunday Night Theology. This lecture will be based on his recent book, co-authored by Greg Wilson titled, “When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church.” This talk will provide a theologically grounded definition of abuse that seeks to display the heart of God with a hope to provide a framework for protecting real victims of abuse and to represent the heart of our Lord to them. This event is free and open to all. Childcare is provided.

Dr. Pierre will also preach from Romans 12:1-2 at CCWC’s 10AM worship service on October 27th.

Dr. Jeremy Pierre is the dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) in Louisville, Kentucky. He is also the Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Biblical Counseling at SBTS and serves on the board of directors for the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Aside from “When Home Hurts,” he is the author of The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life (2016), The Pastor and Counseling (2015), and the children’s storybook Bible, God With Us: A Journey Home, along with numerous articles. His writings have been featured in Tabletalk Magazine, 9Marks Journal, Baptist Press, and The Gospel Coalition. Him and his wife Sarah are members at Clifton Baptist Church where he serves as an elder. Jeremy and Sarah have five children.