On Sunday, March 30, Esther Liu of the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation (CCEF) in Glenside, Pennsylvania will deliver a lecture based on her book entitled Shame: Being Known and Loved.

The experience of shame goes back to humanity’s origin, and many people today struggle with feelings of shame: a sense of isolation, loneliness, or guilt, that seems to define them. Too often, these individuals are met with either empty and worldly platitudes or misunderstanding, and sometimes feel unable to articulate their feelings or open up about their experience. Those who love someone struggling with shame, can sometimes feel ill-equipped to walk alongside those suffering and apply the tender truths of God’s word to their hearts.

Esther’s lecture seeks to not only unpack the causes and effects of shame, but more importantly, how the God who sees desires to meet people in the midst of their feelings of brokenness and worthlessness, and assure them of their being cherished, treasured, and whole in Christ through His word and His people. Not only will the truths she shares help those personally wrestling with shame, but her lecture will seek to arm pastors, counselors, and friends seeking God’s wisdom with Biblical truths to help those they love to trust the Savior all the way to heaven.

Esther joined CCEF in 2015 where she has served in a variety of capacities. Currently, she is a faculty member and counselor at CCEF. She obtained a Master of Arts in religion with an emphasis in biblical studies and a Master of Arts in counseling from Westminster theological seminary. Her first book, Shame, was published in 2022, and she has been featured in the Journal of Biblical Counseling, as well as CCEF’s blog.

The lecture, followed by Q&A, will be free and open to the public on March 30, 2025, at 5 PM. Childcare will be provided. Any questions may be submitted to [email protected].