Esther Liu to Teach on Shame at Christ Church West Chester
On Sunday, March 30, Esther Liu of the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation (CCEF) in Glenside, Pennsylvania will deliver a lecture based on her book entitled Shame: Being Known and Loved. The experience of shame goes back to humanity's origin, and many...
Matthew T. Martens, J.D. to Teach on Biblical Criminal Justice at Christ Church West Chester
On Sunday, February 23, 2025, at 5 PM, Matthew T. Martens, J.D. will deliver a lecture on his book Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal. His book, published by Crossway in 2023, tackles the topic of criminal justice from a thoroughly biblical and...
Spring 2025 Sermon and Verse by Verse Cards
The sermon and verse-by-verse schedules for spring of 2025 have been set! Please make plans to prioritize our Sunday morning and evening gatherings and Wednesday night Bible studies as we go through the books of John and Philippians on Sundays and Ephesians and 1...
2025 SNT Schedule Release
As we look forward to 2025, we are excited to announce the upcoming schedule for our Sunday Night Theology lecture series. Our hope is that you would use this schedule to pray for the teachers and invite others to join us for these exciting events in our church and...
Dr. Michael Lawrence at Christ Church West Chester
On Sunday, January 26, 2025, Dr. Michael Lawrence will preach during Christ Church West Chester's Sunday morning worship service and deliver the lecture, "Conversion: How God Creates a People" at CCWC's Sunday Night Theology. Dr. Lawrence will also stay and serve as...
Jamie Dunlop to Teach & Preach at CCWC
When we describe church as the family of God, what we have in mind is a rosy holiday photo, yet too often what we get is more like shouting matches over who used up the hot water. Churches are full of differences, and differences can be difficult. They could be...