Upcoming Sermon and SNT Schedules Released

Upcoming Sermon and SNT Schedules Released

As we look forward to all that God has planned for our church in 2021, we are excited to announce the upcoming schedules for two major elements of our church's discipleship structure: Sunday morning sermons and Sunday Night Theology. Our hope is that you would use...

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Why You Should Read Through the Bible in 2021

Why You Should Read Through the Bible in 2021

Lord willing, we will be entering a new year in just a few days, something I know many of us are looking forward to. At this point, it goes without saying that 2020 was a difficult and strenuous year. As painful as it was, however, there is still some good it might...

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CCWC To Host Simeon Trust Expository Preaching Workshop

CCWC To Host Simeon Trust Expository Preaching Workshop

From February 10-12, 2021, Christ Church West Chester will host a group of local pastors and aspiring ministers for an expository preaching workshop through the Charles Simeon Trust. The Workshops on Biblical Exposition is a 3-day training event aimed to encourage and...

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