13 Questions for Reading Mark with a Non-Christian

In his sermon on March 8, Pastor Raymond listed 13 questions you can ask while reading Mark’s Gospel with another person. These questions are meant to help someone engage with the main points of the gospel as seen in the text of the book. 1.How would you answer the...

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Pastor Mike McKinley to Preach and Speak at CCWC

Pastor Mike McKinley to Preach and Speak at CCWC

On Sunday, March 29th, at 5 PM, Pastor Mike McKinley will give a lecture entitled “Am I Really A Christian?” in which he will discuss the Biblical doctrine of Assurance of Salvation. The Bible encourages us to have assurance of salvation, but it also warns us against...

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CCWC Featured in Southern Seminary Magazine

CCWC Featured in Southern Seminary Magazine

Pastor Raymond Johnson and Christ Church West Chester were recently featured in the Winter 2020 issue of the Southern Seminary Magazine, highlighting Dr. Gregg Allison's visit for SNT and the ways that God has been building our church over the past 5 years. We are so...

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