Raymond Johnson to Deliver SNT Lecture titled, “The Whole Gospel: Reading the Bible in Light of the Entire Work of Christ.”
Join us at 5pm on July 30th for our next Sunday Night Theology lecture of 2023. Dr. Raymond Johnson, Senior Pastor here at CCWC, will give a lecture titled: “The Whole Gospel: Reading the Bible in Light of the Entire Work of Christ.” Although God’s grand plan of...
Joseph Stigora to give SNT lecture titled, “Post-Roe, What Now?: Supporting Life as a Local Church”
On June 25, 2023, at 5pm, Jospeh Stigora will deliver a lecture on the local church's role in advocating for life in the Post-Roe era. While the Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade provided an immense step forward in protecting the rights of the unborn in...
Upcoming Sermon and Verse-by-Verse Schedules Released for Summer 2023
As we look towards 2023, we are excited to announce the upcoming schedules for two major elements of our church’s discipleship structure: Sunday morning sermons and Verse By Verse. Our hope is that you would use these schedules to read over and study the texts to be...
Laura C. Andrews to teach on “Over-Responsibility” at SNT
On Sunday, May 28, 2023, at 5pm, Laura C. Andrews will teach a Sunday Night Theology lecture titled, “Come, All You Tired and Trying: God’s Invitation to the Over-Responsible". In this lecture, she will discuss the disposition of being "over-responsible" and how we...
Dr. Deepak Reju’s visit to Christ Church West Chester RESCHEDULED to May 6-7
Dr. Deepak Reju's visit to Christ Church West Chester, along with the seminar and SNT lecture he is to teach, has been rescheduled to May 6-7, 2023. This means that we will have only one service this Sunday, April 30, during our normal time of corporate worship....
Dr. Deepak Reju to Teach on Singleness and the Local Church at SNT
On Sunday, April 30, 2023, Dr. Deepak Reju will teach a Sunday Night Theology lecture titled, “Singleness and the Local Church” at Christ Church West Chester. This talk will be a resource for members of the church in all different seasons of life. It will aim to...