Dr. Keith Whitfield To Preach & Teach at CCWC
On Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 5 PM, Dr. Keith Whitfield will give a lecture entitled, "Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors." One of the challenges to loving others is the discomfort caused by change, even imperceptible change. The growth in Muslim...
David Helm to Teach at Charles Simeon Trust Workshop
We are pleased to announce that David Helm will be an instructor at our next Workshop on Biblical Exposition for men with the Charles Simeon Trust, held on October 19-21, 2022. Helm is the Executive Director and Chairman of Board of The Charles Simeon Trust and Senior...
Dr. Matthew Y. Emerson to Preach & Speak at CCWC
On Sunday, February 27, 2022, at 5 PM, Dr. Matthew Y. Emerson will give a lecture entitled, “He Descended to the Dead: An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday.” The descent of Jesus Christ to the dead has been a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith, as indicated...
“Lead” Book Review at 9Marks
Pastor Raymond Johnson recent wrote a review of Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church by Paul David Tripp, which was featured on the 9Marks Website. Johnson writes, "Healthy leadership communities...according to Tripp, will foster friendship that...
Upcoming Sermon and Verse By Verse Schedules Released For Spring 2022
As we look towards the beginning months of 2022, we are excited to announce the upcoming schedules for two major elements of our church's discipleship structure: Sunday morning sermons and Verse By Verse. Our hope is that you would use these schedules to read over and...
Sunday Night Theology Schedule for 2022 Released
We are proud to announce the speaker lineup for our 2022 Sunday Night Theology lecture series. Since its inception, Sunday Night Theology has been focused on helping Christians press into the major issues of our day and establishing the church as a serious forum for...