Dr. Dominick Hernández to Preach and Speak at CCWC

Dr. Dominick Hernández to Preach and Speak at CCWC

On Sunday, November 28, 2021, at 5 PM, Dr. Dominick Hernández will give a lecture on Just Retribution in Job. Many teachings of the book of Job focus on the oft-treated issue of theodicy by asking exasperating questions like: “What does Job have to say about the...

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Theologian Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer to Preach and Teach at CCWC

Theologian Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer to Preach and Teach at CCWC

On Sunday, October 31, at 5 PM, Dr. Kevin J. Vanhoozer will give a lecture entitled “Biblical Authority After Babel." The Bible is the foundational document of the church: its charter and constitution. But whose interpretation counts, and why? How do we answer those...

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Pastor Jared Mellinger to Teach at CCWC

Pastor Jared Mellinger to Teach at CCWC

On Sunday, September 26, at 5 PM, Pastor Jared Mellinger will give a lecture entitled “A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future Without Fear.” A global pandemic, political discord, terrifying news from overseas—if we’re honest, sometimes it feels like fear is more...

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Recommended Resources on Race from Pastor Isaac Adams

Recommended Resources on Race from Pastor Isaac Adams

In his Sunday Night Theology talk on August 29, Pastor Isaac Adams recommended a number of resources for those wishing to grow in their understanding of how Christians can respond to and interact with the complex realities of race in our society. They include...

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