Sunday Night Theology

Sunday Night Theology is designed to provide extended time of Bible teaching as well as talks about current issues that should be addressed by the church of Jesus Christ. Christ Church West Chester seeks to provide excellent resources and to expert speakers here to our church as both a ministry to our members as well as an outreach to our community. All events are completely free and require no reservation.

Upcoming SNT Events

Conversion: How God Creates a People — How is a person saved? When is a person saved? What happens when a person is saved? How do we know if a person is saved? What do we do when a person is saved? These are some of the most basic theological questions in the Christian faith, and yet confusion often abounds about how a person is brought from spiritual death to life in Christ. This lecture will focus on how God remakes human beings in Christ with the aim of providing clarity on this doctrine for more faithful evangelism, discipleship, and the practice of church membership. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 5 PM by Dr. Michael Lawrence, pastor of Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, OR.
Christian Criminal Justice — The New Testament command to love our neighbors as ourselves is rooted in an Old Testament command to love our neighbors through the legal system (Lev. 19:15-18). This address will explore what it means to love our neighbors through the justice system and whether the American criminal justice system, both as written and as it operates, loves our neighbors, both the criminally victimized and the criminally accused, as we would want to be loved if we were criminally victimized or criminally accused. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at 5 PM by Matthew T. Martens, a trial lawyer in Washington, DC.
Shame: Being Known and Loved — Do you struggle with a sense of not being good enough? Find yourself striving to prove yourself or measure up, or have you given up trying altogether? Some of us have struggled with shame our entire lives without giving it much thought. Some of us don’t even realize we live with it. A core feature of shame is that it thrives in the darkness—yet as Christians, we are invited to bring it to the light. As you yourself may struggle with shame or are walking alongside others who do, join us as we begin to consider how to identify shame, what to do when shame seems entrenched and unrelenting, and how to grow to know the hope that is ours in Christ. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, March 30, 3035, at 5PM by Esther Liu, faculty and biblical counselor at the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF) in Glenside, PA.
Friendship With God: A Path to Deeper Friendship with the Father, Son, and Spirit — Christians sometimes speak of having a relationship with God. We sense that the gospel is supposed to bring us into a close and intimate connection with God, but what does that actually look like? We know that there are things that we’re supposed to do as followers of Christ — obey his commands, go to church, read our Bible, pray. Is that how we have a relationship with God? And what difference does it make that our God is triune — with which person (or persons) of the Trinity are we supposed to have a relationship? As American evangelicalism becomes more casual and man-centered, we might be forgiven for being suspicious of the entire idea of experiencing intimacy and closeness with an infinite and holy God. There is perhaps no better source for answers to these questions than John Owen’s Communion with God, published in the mid-17th century. In it, Owen argues that believers are meant to have a direct and personal relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Full of grace and mediations of the love of God for believers, Communion with God has been a treasured and practical (though challenging) resource for Christians looking to experience a closer relationship with the triune God. This lecture will consider Owen’s insights and how they can be useful for Christians today. The SNT will be taught on Sunday, April 27, 2025, at 5 PM by Mike McKinley, pastor of Sterling Park Baptist Church.
Revelation On Its Own Terms: Seeing the Glory of Christ for Faithful Endurance — Who is the Antichrist? Is the rapture happening soon? Have you studied this chart that maps out the end times? Because of the way we often try to interpret the times in light of the book of Revelation, it often seems like an intimidating book to read and interpret. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In fact, this book is in our Bibles for a reason. So not only should Christians desire to know it…they can study it and know it. In this lecture, Raymond Johnson of Christ Church West Chester will seek to explore how to read the book of Revelation in the way the book was originally intended to be read: to behold the glory of risen, reigning, and returning Christ who is worthy of our faithful endurance.  This SNT will be taught on Sunday, May 25, 2025, at 5 PM by Dr. Raymond Johnson, senior pastor of Christ Church West Chester in West Chester, PA.
Depression: Meeting the Depressed with the Grace of God through the Local Church — In the world today, there is a lot of talk about mental health. But how should Christians think about depression and related symptoms of despondency? Christians may come to different conclusions on whether it’s wise or unwise to take medicine for symptoms of depression, but Christians should be well-equipped through the Scriptures to know how to trust the Lord and reply upon His available mercies to persevere with hope through bouts or seasons of depression. The Lord has given us the local church as one means where Christians can help in their time of need. This talk aims to accomplish 2 overarching goals: (1) To remove the stigma of not talking about depression in the life of a true Christian (thus, being humble and honest about it); (2) To give church leaders and church members practical ways to compassionately and patiently help those who are walking through depression. This SNT will be taught on June 29, 2025, at 5 PM by Blake Boylston, pastor of Chaffee Crossing Baptist Church in Barling, AR.
The Angel of the Lord: Christ’s Presence in the Old Testament — In the early books of the Old Testament, the mysterious “Angel of the Lord” repeatedly appears—visibly, audibly, even physically—to the Patriarchs, to Moses, to the Prophets. Who is this angel? Exploring the details of some of these texts, as well as the testimony of church history, this message will clearly show that the Angel of the Lord is a manifestation of God the Son, that the Son was present and active throughout the Old Testament, and that he appears more often than people realize. “No one has ever seen God; the only God who is at the Father’s side has (always) made him known.” This SNT will be taught on July 27, 2025, at 5 PM by Matthew Foreman, pastor of Faith Reformed Baptist Church in Media, PA.
Preparing the Next Generation — Just as with any ministry that the church is engaged in, it’s important for the church to think carefully and biblically about its ministry to youth and children – how it prepares the next generation. Various methodologies and strategies may compete for our attention, but the focus of youth and children’s ministries should be on teaching the word, prioritizing the church, equipping the family, and preaching the gospel. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, August 31, 2025, at 5pm by Harry Fujiwara, pastor of The First Baptist Church in the City of New York.
Figured Out: How Biblical Metaphors Change the Way You See the World — When Jesus instructed his followers about the Kingdom of God, he gave them pictures, not metaphysics or philosophy. God taught John about the end of the world not by naming dates and places, but by showing him signs. The Bible is filled with images, pictures, and poetry, much of which we don’t even notice! Why does God reveal his truth to us in this way, and how are we supposed to apply it to the work of the church? This SNT talk will examine the imagery of Scripture, clarifying why it’s there, how it works, and what to do with it. The imagery of Scripture not only speaks to our mind and heart, but it also imprints itself on our eyes and ears, and as it does so, allows us to see the world as it really is. You maybe be surprised how deep the Bible’s imagery goes! This SNT will be taught on September 28, 2025, at 5 PM by Dr. Thomas Keene, professor of New Testament and Academic Dean of Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.
Beauty: The Way the Gospel and the Arts Interact — Why do human beings create beautiful things? Is art something we do purely for entertainment, or is it an expression of something much deeper about our humanity as God’s image bearers? Creativity and theology together glorify the Lord who created them both, though tragically Christians often separate the two. In this lecture, Thomas Terry will deliver a lecture on the topic of beauty. At this SNT event, he will share more about the many ways we image God and how the arts come into contact with the gospel. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, October 26, 2025, at 5 PM by Thomas Terry, pastor of Trinity Church in Portland, OR.
Health, Wealth, and the (Real) Gospel: The Prosperity Gospel Meets the Truths of Scripture — Where did the prosperity gospel come from? How has it changed over the years? How can we minister to those who have been taken captive by it? Can a person who believes the prosperity gospel be saved? This lecture will address the problem of the prosperity gospel and equip you to minister the one true gospel with greater clarity, charity, and conviction. This SNT will be taught on Sunday, November 30, 2025, at 5 PM by Sean Demars, pastor of 6th Avenue Community Church in Decator, AL.

Matthew T. Martens - February 23, 2025

Christian Criminal Justice

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