Dr. Andy Naselli to Preach and Teach At CCWC
On Sunday, February 25, 2024, at 5 PM, Dr. Andy Naselli will give a lecture entitled, "Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ" at Christ Church West Chester. This talk addresses three related questions: (1) What exactly is your conscience...
CCWC’s Annual Night of Congregational Christmas Singing
The songs of Christmas are some of the most beloved and most well-known music in our culture. Join the musicians of Christ Church West Chester for a night of music celebrating the mystery of Emmanuel, God with us. This event is first and foremost focused on singing...
Juan Sanchez to Preach and Teach SNT and Lead PPC One-Day Gathering at Christ Church West Chester
On Sunday, January 28, 2024, Dr. Juan Sanchez will visit Christ Church West Chester to preach at the morning service and deliver a lecture as part of the church's Sunday Night Theology lecture Series. What does the book of Revelation have to say about potential...
Jonathan Holmes to Deliver SNT Lecture titled, “The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship”
It’s hard not to read an article or blog post today in Christian or secular circles that does not mention or allude to our current epidemic of loneliness. The causes and effects of loneliness in our culture are being discussed at length, and as a result, what is noted...
Meet the 2023–2024 Pastoral Intern Class
Meet the 2023–2024 Pastoral Intern Class Next week, our next class of pastoral interns will begin their labors here at Christ Church West Chester. Because all three of them are coming from out of town, we encourage you to learn a bit about them from this post, get to...
Ryan Robertson to Deliver SNT Lecture titled, “Church-Centered Missiology: How our Ecclesiology Should Shape our Missiology”
How should we read the book of Acts and how should our understanding of the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament inform how we gather together as local churches? How should our beliefs about the local church inform our convictions regarding global missions...